Speak To The #1 Running Injury Expert In Davie Call - (954) 519-5404

What Are The Core Beliefs Of

Davie's #1 Running Injury Expert Ashley Kranz?

These fundamental beliefs are the cornerstone of Ashley Kranz’s approach at her Davie clinic. Her methods aim to restore you to a pain-free life, enabling you to embrace an active and fulfilling lifestyle.

BELIEF #1 – Every Runner Deserves To Be Heard
Every runner deserves to be treated as an individual. You’re not just someone with knee pain – you're an athlete with unique needs, goals, and challenges. At my practice, we focus on understanding your full story. We listen to your concerns, understand your history, and craft a personalized treatment plan that helps you move from where you are now to where you want to be. By treating you as an individual, we ensure that your care is as unique as your running journey.
BELIEF #2 – Pain Is A Signal, Not A Stop Sign
Pain is a signal, not a stop sign. Many runners fear pain, but it’s actually a valuable indicator that something is out of alignment. The key is knowing when to slow down and when to push forward. Instead of simply stopping, we focus on identifying the root cause of your pain while you’re working to build your strength and endurance. Whether it's related to muscle imbalances, improper shoes, or running mechanics, we take a comprehensive look at your body to uncover what’s causing the discomfort. Once we understand the issue, we can take steps to correct it and allow you to keep running safely
BELIEF #3 – Strength And Mobility Are Just As Important As Mileage And Pace
Runners love to run, but it’s important to remember that strength and mobility are just as crucial as your mileage and pace. Your muscles, skeleton, and core need to be strong enough to handle the demands of running. Without proper strength and flexibility, you risk injury. We focus on building a solid foundation through strength training and mobility exercises, so your body can handle the repetitive motion of running. By improving these areas, you not only prevent injuries but also improve your performance over time, enabling you to run further and faster with confidence that you are not putting yourself at risk of injury.
BELIEF #4 – Education Is Key To Empowering Patients
Patients deserve to be informed about what they don’t know. Too often, runners are told they have knee pain and given a prescription for a solution, but they aren't educated about the deeper causes of their pain. At my practice, we believe in empowering you through education. Knee pain may not always be just a knee issue – it could be a result of weakness or imbalances in other parts of the body. We take the time to explain what’s happening, so you understand the true causes of your pain and how we can address them. Knowledge is power, and we want to equip you with the tools to take control of your recovery.
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can you see how different we are to other clinic you have tried?

This is why, when runners come to see me for injuries, they experience real results – even if they’ve spent years struggling with at-home exercises, countless doctor’s visits, medications, or trying other therapies that didn’t address the root cause.

Why not start with a Free Discovery Visit at my clinic?

This gives you the opportunity to see how I can help treat your running injury, ask questions about your condition, and receive personalized advice on the best treatment options. Together, we can work towards fast, long-term relief from your running injury – without the need for medications or invasive procedures. Let’s get you back to running pain-free!

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